Thursday 12 April 2012

Apologies For Autumn...

Autumn was in a bad way last week... It feels like it's been less than a week but it's actually been more. Either way, I'm sorry you all had to see that. Slenderman came along, decided that our April Fools joke wasn't funny, and... Well, it hurt him more than it did me. He decided he needed to be drinking way too much for what is good for him. When he... He had me, Autumn decided to grab a hold of him, to try and stop him...

His hands  were badly blistered, so were his arms and my neck. It hurt, but I was worried for him. He took a few sick days from bar work. I mean, he never takes days off. Without the money I could probably keep us afloat, but

On the couple of days he had free, he read Wuthering Heights to me. I tried to tell him not to, but he insisted... Autumn is stubborn as a mule sometimes, it hurt when he read. You could hear the pointedness of his words, the pain.

The tale of a ghost story, he decided it would help... When you see things at night, with Autumn's arms around you, the scrawlings in your mind like on the walls of Catherine's chamber. And you see a ghost at the window, trying to get in... It is not difficult to see the similarities...

I ended up burning the book.

It only succeeded in scaring me more.

It was only when he came home and saw me there, that he held me tight and just said. "We are nothing like any of them..." That I understood. He was telling me that we were lucky, we may have the thin man, but as long as we dance we will be okay...

As long as autumn's here, we'll be okay.
