Tuesday 26 June 2012


Autumn found a polaroid amongst our letters. What was on it really wasn't pretty. He tried to hide it from me for a couple of days. But I knew there was a problem, he was tense, worried. One time during dinner, I asked him and he answered. He showed me the photo.

The boy was laying on a concrete floor, the backpack shredded. There was so much blood. I... What can I say?

His head had been cut off and was laying a foot away from where it should have been. I'm sorry Innes.

The back was signed "Friend."

Monday 18 June 2012

Sweet Seventeen

Hey there, I'm sorry we've not been posting... It's just, a kid took us up on our offer for a place to stay, we knew as soon as we saw him. He'd been beaten up, had his face mashed in and then they just let him go. Bleeding and concussed, left right on our doorstep by what I can only assume were proxies.

As soon as he woke up, he practically pissed himself in the time between seeing us and registering that we weren't going to hurt him, he and Summer got along very well. Must be a TA thing. We'd done our best but apart from cleaning and covering the cuts and scrapes, only time'd heal most of it.  

He called himself Innes Watson. He was introduced to it through a friend. Apparently the same friend has been spending time outside of the organisational proxy thing that they seem to have had lately. I don't know the guy's name but we had a break in, nothing was stolen, but you know how it goes.

Innes' stalker just left a note about how he was going to tear the boy to pieces just because Papa Skinny told him to. And get this; it was signed "Friend." 

Who the hell in their right mind beats a kid to within an inch of his life and then calls him friend? It's fucked up.

Innes left a couple of days ago, he wanted to keep moving. We gave him enough food to last him at least a couple of weeks, we gave him our phone number. We asked him to keep us updated on how he's doing.

Shortly after that we had to perform again. Apparently copying Maduin's idea of giving him twenty dollars and hoping he goes away didn't happen. He just sort of stood there motionless. He didn't hurt us though so I guess we must have done something all right...

In other news; Summer wanted me to make my side of the story she went into in the last post. I was seventeen, I kissed her and then just got no... No positive response I guess...  So I fell back on my age old technique of just being my usual charming self the next morning. We had been friends for ages, I was actually so worried I had ruined it. Like, that worry that settles at the pit of your stomach was there with a vengeance. I didn't eat that night because I felt like I was going to throw up if I did.

The next day, I could see she was worried but I just distracted her, I guess. Pretended it never happened. I didn't want a talk from her about why it was wrong.

What else can I say? Did it work out in the end? I think it has... Though I suppose this isn't the end.

I mean, we're not dead or mutilated or insane or well...

We're not dead yet.